Well, I think I finally found me a sure-fire way to forget;
It's so simple, I'm surprised I hadn't done thought of it before yet
It's foolproof -- well it's foolhardy, maybe, but who knows --
Anyway, here I am, walkin' down toward where the cold, dark water flows
All it takes is...
One dyin' and a buryin', one dyin' and a buryin' --
Some cryin', six carryin' me, I wanta to be free
Oh-ho, I wanta be free, free from all this heartache and regret,
And free from pinin' for the love I can't forget
The love that once was warm and then just somehow turned to hate,
Made my life a prison from which there's only one escape --
One dyin' and a buryin', one dyin' and a buryin' --
Some cryin', six carryin' me, I wanta to be free
One dyin' and a buryin', one dyin' and a buryin' --
Some cryin', six carryin' me... I wanta to be free
Songs II
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Without You
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Thanks to Absolute Fonts Archive
for the font Crusades
This amazing background was made
using the fantastic
art of
Luis Royo